
  • Calcium Gluconat Gel

    Calcium Gluconat Gel zum Neutralisieren nach dem Kontakt mit Flusssäure.
  • Calcium Gluconate Gel

    Calcium Gluconate Gel protects against Hydrofluoric Acid burns. This HF antidote gel is the first line of defense for anyone who works with Hydrofluoric Acid.
  • Gel de gluconate de calcium contre les brûlures à l'acide fluorhydrique.
  • Gel De Gluconato De Cálcio Para Exposição E Queimaduras De Ácido Fluorídrico (HF)
  • Gel del gluconato del calcio per le ustioni dell'acido fluoridrico (HF) o nel caso del contatto con l'acido.
  • This small Specimen Trimmer has a 6.3 cm clearance between chisels and convenient open construction. Perfect for getting that perfect cut! Has an attractive chrome finish
  • Water Gun

    High powered water gun for deep cleaning of minerals, jewelry, fossils, automotive, removal of polishing oxides after polishing jobs, construction sites, and any other industrial use. Adjustable head: jet or spray to suit the work you are handling. 220 Volt model.
  • グルコン酸カルシューム ジェルは HF(ふつ化水素酸)が 事故で皮膚にさらされたりした時 ふつ化水素酸を 非活性化することにより 化学薬品から生ずる ひどい焼けただれ発性を防止します
  • The very versatile 3UVP lamp from UVP having SW, LW and Midrange. The unit is 8-watt. The 3 wavelengths are easily selectable by turning the switch and the midrange provides useful information regarding minerals that glow particularly well in it (like some scheelite fluoresces RED in it!). Our UV lights are less expensive than if you buy it directly from UVP due to our volume purchasing. The three wavelengths in the same unit are:
    1. Short Wave or 254nm
    2. Midrange or 302nm
    3. Long Wave or 366nm
    The lamp is operated from 110 volt supply. We have found such lamps to be dependable and extremely useful.
    • Convenient "One Touch" or "Single Handle Operation": Turn, Pump, Release
    • Rock to be trimmed must fit the 20 cm (8 in) horizontal space
    • Hydraulic unit is on top rather than below, prevents rock debris falling into seals and causing hydraulic fluid leakage
    • 3 ton capacity
    • Total height 35 cm (14 in)
    • Total weight 12 kg (28 lbs)
    • Max distance between chisels 11 cm
    • Extra chisels available
    • US PATENT 5638805